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How Gratitude Can Improve Your Mental Health

What is Gratitude? 

Gratitude is the action of showing appreciation for and returning kindness. It’s something that we can practice every single day, but there’s an uptick in people being vocal about what they’re grateful and thankful for in the month of November. For that reason, this month is an excellent time to really be conscious of and acknowledge the people, places, and opportunities that you’re grateful for. 

Gratitude and Mental Health Benefits   

One way in which you can instantly boost your mood is by making a list of at least 10 things that you’re grateful for. This can include anything and everything from the delicious cup of coffee you enjoyed this morning to paying your car insurance on time to getting out of bed without hitting the snooze button. Allowing yourself to recognize all of the things that went right, instead of focusing solely on the things that went wrong, will go a long way to improve your mental health. Try making a list once a day for a week this November to see tangible proof of the abundance already present in your life! 

huggie earrings

Gemstones that Help Express Gratitude 

A couple of gems that we’d recommend calling upon to assist with expressing gratitude are Rose Quartz and Amethyst. Rose Quartz is a Heart Chakra Stone that helps to deepen existing relationships with loved ones. This gem can encourage you to be grateful for and strengthen the bond between the people already in your life. Amethyst, known as the stone of compassion, will allow you to bring your brain to a center point and focus in on what’s truly important. Wearing Amethyst jewelry can be a reminder to notice the little wins in each day, which is just one small way to have a big positive impact on your world view and your mental health. 

This month, and every month, we can all strive to not only be grateful for what we have as individuals, but also spread that kindness to the rest of our communities and the planet! Seeing your actions have a positive impact on other people and the world around you can certainly help improve your mental health. We encourage you to return an act of kindness and share it with us here

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